Do not panic! It's a sign of prayer that you won't be a dozen

Maybe you guys are fighting a lot and you are pessimistic about going through these times. Or, maybe this is all just your concern. Know that actually Si He won't leave you. Here are the signs:

1. He told you.
He has told you many times that he will not break you. It's okay to worry, but instead of constantly convincing you that he won't break you, you better use your energy to make your relationship more enjoyable.

2. He is arguing with you.
It might sound strange, but the couple who argues is still trying to make the relationship work. When he seems tired of arguing and fighting, that's when you should worry that he has given up on improving your relationship.

3. He listens to you.
If someone doesn't like you, they won't spend valuable time listening to you talk. See if your partner still has time to listen to you and not choose to turn on the TV or check the smartphone.

4. He changes.
He decides not to smoke in front of you who doesn't like it when he smokes. In fact, he tried to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day. If he will terminate your relationship in the near future, he will not try to change for you.

5. He doesn't keep his distance.
If someone wants to leave you, you will realize the person is starting to keep his distance. You rarely meet and he always looks for reasons to cancel plans. However, if you two still regularly meet, what should you worry about?

6. He is not cold.
Behavior change is one thing that is seen when someone wants to complete a relationship. Not only being rarely hugged, Si He is also reluctant to hold your hand again. Well, does your boyfriend show these signs?

7. He takes you into his friendship.
Not only invited to meet with friends, Si He even introduced you to his family. It is clear that he will not break with you. If yes, he will be troubled by himself explaining to his family and friends why you are no longer together.

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