7 Facts About Cockroaches, It Can Be Consumed By Humans

When you hear the word cockroach, surely you will immediately be disgusted. These disgusting animals often make people afraid. Usually found in the bathroom. But it turns out there are many astonishing facts about this one animal, one of which can be eaten cockroaches. Maybe there are many people who don't believe, but that is true. For more details, here are 7 facts about a surprising cockroach

Oldest animal in the world
Maybe not many people know this fact. According to research from professor Christopher Comer, an Illinois Chicago US university expert, cockroaches have been found on earth since 350 million years ago. That means cockroaches existed before dinosaurs, and more surprisingly cockroaches can still survive when all dinosaurs are extinct from this earth.

Resistant to Radiation
Cockroaches can resist radiation up to 105,000 rems. While humans are resistant to radiation up to 800 rems. Cockroach cells will divide during the molting cycle. The process occurs once a week. Therefore, cockroaches are only sensitive to nuclear for about 48 hours. If there is a powerful nuclear bomb and kills all humans, cockroaches still survive.

Cockroaches Can Live Headless
Yup, right! Cockroaches can live without heads. Even though you kill cockroaches in the head, cockroaches can still live freely. In fact the cockroach breathes through the ventilator on its body, the cockroach brain does not control this function. Besides cockroaches do not have blood pressure like humans. So even though his head is gone, he is still alive. Food has been stored in the body, which can be used to survive.

Smart Cockroaches Run Fast and Able to Live in Space
According to the research of Christopher Comer Professor, cockroaches can run 5 km / hour. Not many people know this fact, therefore cockroaches can disappear quickly, when we want to hit them. Cockroaches can move quickly without us knowing it. Not only can you run fast, cockroaches can also live in space. Cockroaches can live in space for 18 months. Cockroaches can live in extreme areas. In hot temperatures up to 60 degrees Celsius to minus 150 degrees Celsius.

Banting Resistant Cockroaches
Cockroaches include insects that are resilient or hold resistant. Even if you hit it hard, the cockroach can still run fast. Unless you destroy it until it's broken. Cockroaches can still survive despite severe injuries. This is because the cockroach's body's defense mechanism is capable of responding to blows and makes itself seem to die when hit. But after that, he can escape again. Moreover, the shape of the steps is strong enough to withstand collisions or kickbacks.

Cockroaches Can Fly
Cockroaches include the longipennis megaloblatta type. This type of animal is able to stretch its wings to 185 mm. but this type is found in South America and Central America. In Indonesia, there are several types of cockroaches that can fly but not too many, because the ball flies, the body of the cockroach will feel hot. Therefore they will save themselves by running fast.

Cockroaches Can Be Eaten
Just seeing it is disgusting, what if the cockroach can be eaten? Don't get me wrong, some countries in Asia, many of which consume these insects to serve as dishes. One of them is in Thailand. Cockroaches are consumed with fried crispy or made into soup. In Thailand, cockroaches are sold because they are believed to have high protein content. However, the manufacturing process must be correct, because there are many bacteria in the body of the cockroach.

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